Emma Folprecht
The art of escaping
All my visual stands on a letter r = refugee that I completed with a flechette (an arrow) like an expression of escape in vertical line. The escape of a present and unconvenient life. The escape on right side. A dash for better days. "r" is a real variable element I use so in a WRD logo, as in some auxilliary texts. It is an operating visual style which could have a greater outstroke than simple posters.
In the first series I tried to understand a role of refugee and to express their feelings thanks to the composition and the colour. I used a spray method, I sloshed and put on a colour, decaled my hands. I just wanted to express this imperfection, this streakiness and this incertitude which accompany refugees every day on their journey. A spray is a symbol of streets for me. The hands represent a hope and a community. The lines symbolize a journey. Drops ilustrate a bloodshed. I have chosen a red colour because it is very expressive - we must remind a refugee´s crisis and integrate it to a large public space.
All 3 series are joined to a WRD logo and every part of them is exceptional and educational. Posters function also independently.